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The Miracle Kit Behind the Power of Prayer

The Mystic Knowledge of Manipulating the Subtle Cosmic Energies of Prana through Prayer Techniques

Paperback – October 17, 2023
"The Miracle Kit Behind the Power of Prayer" by Nehemiah Davis delves into the mystical aspects of prayer and its connection to harnessing subtle cosmic energies known as Prana. The book explores how prayer techniques can be used to manipulate these energies for personal growth, healing, and manifestation. Through the guidance provided by the author, readers are introduced to a comprehensive kit of tools and practices that can enhance the effectiveness of their prayers and unlock the hidden powers within themselves. Davis combines spiritual wisdom with practical exercises, offering readers a transformative journey into the realm of prayer and energy manipulation.

This book, The Miracle Kit behind the Power of Prayer, offers an analysis of a mystic ancient form of prayer that manipulates subtle cosmic energies through ancient techniques of yoga science and religious rituals that are not understood in today’s materialistic modern science. The mystic prayer technique that this book is advocating uses the spoken word, along with positive imagination and visualization to invoke and harness this power of cosmic energies or pranas. This book goes into detail on the ancient science for manipulating the five major pranas that flow through our subtle bodies and gross physical body. The technique also uses pranayama techniques, an ancient method of breath control that allows man to control the flow of prana that enters and exits the body’s psychic centers (Chakras). The prayer technique also incorporates mudra yoga that assists the “prayer practitioner” in sealing and redirecting pranas so that they can be impregnated with a mind substance that has the purpose and direction of the intended target.

The Author's Statement on the Subject
There is a Power that exists behind everything.  This power is the source that fuels and sustains everything in the Universe and everything that could ever be conceived of.  It is that power that was the result of the Absolute (God) releasing the Creative Word that started creation.  The original state of this power is a vibrational force that modifies itself thousand of times from an ultra subtler etheric level to a subtler etheric level to a subtler astral level down to a gross physical manifested level.  This book will deal with a technique of prayer that will allow man to tap into this cosmic energy and manipulate it to assist mankind in balancing the positive energies in order to relief any negative situations such as bad health or environmental conditions.  

This prayer technique that this book is advocating here uses the spoken word alone with positive imagination and visualization to invoke and harness this power of cosmic energy.  The technique also uses Pranayama, an ancient method of breath control that allows man to control the flow of cosmic energies that enters and exit the body centers.  The prayer technique will also incorporate Mudra yoga that will assist the “prayer” in sealing and redirecting cosmic energies so the cosmic energies can be impregnated with mind substance that has the purpose and direction of the intended target of the prayer.  Another ancient method that is used is the sacral science of mantra yoga which is used to assist in purifying the human aura to allow a free flow of cosmic energy without the residue of negative thought forms.  

This book will attempt to give an analysis of a prayer technique that was giving to me as a child from my father.  Who receive the technique from the mystic order of “The Aetherius Society” who published several documents describing this technique, in a booklets entitled “Dynamic Prayer Brings Results”, an a outstanding little book titled “The Twelve Blessings”, and also on a lecture audio tape entitled “Dynamic Prayer Brings Results” delivered by Dr George King the founder and President of The Aetherius Society.  It is my believe that an analysis of this technique will reveal the deep mystical science behind this technique giving it the ability to produce tremendous subtle cosmic power that can be used to relived pain, anguish and change environmental conditions.  I will show how this simple technique of prayer was devise from a very good knowledge and understanding of ancient complex mystical science of mind, body and Prana (cosmic energies).  This book will attempt to unlock the door to these secrets and look into the mechanical aspects of this ancient science.  Also to show how carefully devised these prayer techniques were design for mankind.  It will show the complex but yet simple prayer rituals and prayer techniques that has a tremendous impact on our environment and lives. 

Prayer is an ancient ritual that has been used throughout the centuries by mankind in making a reverent petition to God, or another object of worship.  Religions use it as an act of communion with God, or Divine Deities of worship, such as in devotion, confession, praise, or thanksgiving.  The Great Mystics throughout history knew the secrets of prayer; they understood that there was an unlimited source of divine power, an endless source of all pervasive cosmic energy that permeates throughout the universe and is available there for everyone’s use.  They also understood that their physical and subtler bodies were capable of being used as divine instruments for this power, their minds, voices, and actions were the directive force over this all pervasive cosmic energy.  

Prayer is the hallmark of all races, cultures, and religions in the spiritual world.  It’s something that every culture can understand and it breaks the barriers of race and religion especially, during times of crisis.  Prayer is something that everyone can do and can do it effectively with proper practice.  It allows man to tune into the power of the Absolute (God) and surrender his whole body, mind, and soul to its power and become a channel for this power to be release to the world for the upliftment, divine guidance, and world healing whether it be physical, emotional, or mental.  

Why prayer?  Because its man’s birth right to raise his voice in request to God and ask that his divine power flow through him so he can direct it out to his fellow man to help heal him, uplift him, guide him, and protect him.  When we do this we are closer to God and live a more natural life.  The most powerful being in the solar system, the most respected people and the most gracious people, are those who serve unconditionally to God’s creation.  The “Sun” the most powerful being, in the solar system and a sacral instrument used by God to produce life and maintain life within the solar system.  Does this job of service unconditionally every second, of every minute, of the day, three hundred and sixty-five days of the year.  The man that stands up and gives his life to service for mankind is that man who walks down the greatest most balance pathway to GOD.

Later in the book we will go into how this method of radiating this cosmic energy through this prayer method that will allow you to be of great service.   This will yield the results when practiced regular and effectively.  Also it will enhance man’s intellect, perception, over his higher subtler bodies too the higher cosmic energies and mind substance. 

The Mystic Understanding Behind the Prayer Method
To the “Mystic”, prayer is more than just worship and devotion; it’s a method of becoming apart of a divine rhythm that permeates throughout all of nature.  True Mystic Prayer is a method to becoming apart of the rhythm and drum beat of God’s creation.  It allows Man to place himself in a state of mind where he performs all spiritual actions.  A position that allows his mind, body, and soul to be in total unison while performing a divine action that of receiving and transmitting cosmic energies for the purpose of relieving mankind of various ills, such as; sickness, crime, bad environmental conditions and to uplift the mentality of all mankind etc. 

The purpose of prayer, for the “Mystic” is to call into order the necessary energies or resource to bring about definite results.  This is done by saturating; a particular person, place, or thing with the cosmic energies that’s pull within the Human Auric structure and push out with a specific direction and spiritual purpose.

This all happens within the framework of GOD’s Laws.  While performing the Mystic Prayer method “correctly”, the person who is praying becomes a divine point of consciousness under karmic authority.  When “the prayer” full, concentration, and complete actions are all directed towards the goal, of generating spiritual energy by this mystic prayer method to its intended goal.  He begins to operate as the great Adepts and Masters, for this brief moment of unselfish actions of radiating spiritual energies to the world.

The mystic knows that his physical body, Etheric bodies, Auric Bodies and several levels of his consciousness are all tools towards for creating the action called Prayer for this brief moment.  He realizes that his physical body is linked to an etheric counter part that has over 200,000 etheric subtler nerve ganglia that makes up the Nadi System and this Nadi system have dozens of vortex centers called Nadi knots, or chakras.  These Chakras are vortex centers, that receives and transmits the cosmic energies and mind substance that makes up the visible and invisible atmosphere that we live in.  This Nadi system defines several different categories of chakras; minute chakras, minor chakras and major chakras.  The combination of the Nadi system and chakras within the Nadi system brings into being several levels of consciousness that mankind works through on his subtle and gross manifested level of consciousness.  The magnetic pressures, which the Nadi system and chakras creates a pull on the universal mind substance and the all pervasive cosmic energies that helps to bring about a manifestation that dictates a state of consciousness that operates on three primary levels. These levels of consciousness can be described as the supra-conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the conscious mind.

From the Book; The Mystic Knowledge of Prayer (In process of being published)
By Nehemiah Davis
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The Analysis of a Mystic Method Prayer